If you have a passion for native plant species, then you’re in luck. Planting and gardening in parts of the Six Nations community for food or simply for fun can required that you plan for some special conditions, and as such, if you’re going to plant, you’ll need to look at species that can survive these conditions. Native plant species will become better established each year, as well as provide a great food source or simply look stunning in your yard. Trees, shrubs, grasses, plants, and perennials in gorgeous shades that are native to Zone 37 of the Seed Zones of Ontario can all be learned about as well as sourced locally.

Kayanase, located at 993 Hwy 54, is an ecological restoration company with a native plant species and seed nursery. They do ecological restoration services but also propagate seeds and manage plants in their greenhouse. Kayanase specializes in handling only native plant species such as shrubs, trees, traditional medicinal plants, herbaceous, and perennial plants, representing less than 10 percent of those that can be found in the Carolinian Zone or ecoregion. They do their own seed collection, processing, and managing of these native plant species, helping to guarantee the integrity of their source.

Hill’s Native Foods is a locally owned and operated entity here in the Six Nations community which supplies lyed white corn to area businesses. This is also a native plant species which owner/operator Scott Hill ensures is sustainably grown, harvested, and processed. Taking the business to its next level, Hill has recently established a social media presence for the business, allowing him to share some of his knowledge in the care of, management, and processing of white corn. Follow the link here for videos, details on where to purchase, how-to posts, and more!

Those looking for more ideas on what works well locally, what can be used for food or tea sources, and what simply takes root well in our planting area can also walk the Six Nations nature trail (now open) or visit the Tall Grass Prairie at Chiefswood National Historic Site and Chiefswood Park. (The park will be opening to the public soon!) Both locations feature the diverse ecology of Six Nations and a variety of native plant species that will amaze and appeal to you. Learning how to identify a number of these plants through the trail and the prairie is easy to do and may help you on your path to planting for sustainability in our unique conditions.
Written by Spring Sault